Targeting deeply held values crucial for inspiring pro-environmental behavior

Given the alarming pace of climate change, it is increasingly important to understand what factors motivate people to take action – or not – on environmental issues. A recent study shows that deeply held values, which align closely with political leanings, can predict whether someone takes action to protect the environment.

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Mounting brain organoid research reignites ethical debate

As research involving the transplantation of human 'mini-brains' — known as brain organoids — into animals to study disease continues to expand, so do the ethical debates around the practice. A new article seeks to clarify the abilities of brain organoids and suggests an ethical framework that better defines and contextualizes these organoids and establishes thresholds for their use.

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Barrier to rural opioid treatment: Driving distance to methadone clinics

People who live in rural counties in five states heavily affected by the opioid epidemic must drive longer distances to obtain methadone, a treatment for opioid addiction, compared to individuals from urban counties, say researchers. Their study suggests these long drive times in rural counties could be reduced by making methadone more accessible in primary care clinics.

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