Video game playing FISH live streams credit card ‘theft’

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Tags: fish

Tags: video game

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Tags: credit card

Tags: pokemon

We take a look at an incredible tale of a fish who wouldn’t stop until it made a credit card purchase while streaming a video game.

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The post Video game playing FISH live streams credit card ‘theft’ appeared first on Malwarebytes Labs.

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Massive fangs and a death crush: How a 370 million year old tetrapod hunted and killed

The habits of a needle-toothed tetrapod which lived more than 370 million years ago have filled in a piece of the evolutionary puzzle after an international team of palaeontologists pieced together fossilized skeletons and found unusual characteristics such as a crocodile-like skull with high positioned eyes would have been used to 'keep an eye' on prey before it used its slender needle-like teeth and elastic jaw to snatch its kill and crush it to death.

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Earliest well-preserved tetrapod may never have left the water

Superbly preserved fossils from Russia cast new and surprising light on one of the earliest tetrapods — the group of animals that made the evolutionary transition from water to land and ultimately became the ancestors not just of amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals, but of ourselves.

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