Protective mediators can help heal injured tendon cells by attacking inflammation

Tendon tears, both to the rotator cuff and Achilles heel, are common injuries, especially in aged individuals. Painful and disabling, they can adversely impact quality of life. New approaches are required to help patients suffering from chronic tendon injuries. A novel study identified mediators that promote resolution of inflammation as potential new therapeutics to push chronically injured tendons down an inflammation-resolving pathway.

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Large genome-wide association study illuminates genetic risk factors for gout

Researchers, using a method called genome-wide association study, have illuminated the genetic underpinnings of high serum urate, the blood condition that brings on gout. The study will inform efforts to develop screening tests for gout risk as well as potential new treatments.

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Stem cell treatments for shoulder and elbow injuries flourish, but so far there's little evidence they work

Two critical reviews examine the current status of biologic approaches for common shoulder and elbow problems. The authors discuss areas where the current evidence base is weak or controversial and recommend where further studies are required.

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