New survey shows link between comprehensive antibiotic stewardship programs and infection preventionist certification

Nearly half of all nursing homes do not have adequately trained infection prevention staff and their efforts to combat the over prescription of antibiotics are suffering as a result, according to a new study.

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Metformin offers no strength training benefits for seniors, study shows

A clinical trial argues against the hypothesis that the diabetes drug metformin could help exercising seniors gain more muscle mass. The double-blind trial found that older adults who took metformin while performing rigorous resistance exercise training had smaller gains in muscle mass than the placebo group.

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Why some US football players have higher cardiovascular risk

Research has shown that while elite athletes overall are at decreased risk of death from cardiovascular problems, a certain group of athletes — football linemen in the United States — actually have higher risk than the general population than other elite athletes.

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Society is rejecting facts; medical researchers can help

Anecdotes, fake news and social media have created a skeptical and misinformed public who is rejecting the facts. A commentary says that medical researchers must help the public understand the rigorous process of science and help them to discern an anecdote from peer-reviewed scientific results. The best way to do this? By continuing to ensure integrity, rigor, reproducibility and replication of their science and to earn the public's trust by being morally responsible and completely free of any influences.

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Yale study examines shifts in fertility rates among Generation X women

A new study examines shifts in fertility behaviors among Generation X women in the United States — those born between 1965-1982 — compared to their Baby Boomer counterparts, and explores whether the fertility of college-educated women is increasing more quickly across cohorts in Generation X than the fertility of their less educated counterparts.

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Virtual reality may help foster learning and collaboration across health professions

One of the biggest challenges to implementing interprofessional education for health professions students is scheduling. Could virtual reality education help? A small new study focused on palliative care, says yes.

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Female surgeons earned 24% less per hour while operating compared to male surgeons

Female surgeons earned 24 per cent less per hour while operating compared to male surgeons, finds a new study, which also noted that female surgeons performed fewer of the highest-paid primary procedures than male surgeons. The study identified over 1.5 million surgical procedures claimed by 3,275 surgeons in Ontario from the beginning of 2014 until the end of 2016.

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Doctor offers unique perspective as father of a child with rare genetic disease

From a professional standpoint, Nathan Hoot, MD, Ph.D., understands the value of medical research that leads to new, groundbreaking drugs in the treatment of rare diseases. And as an emergency medicine physician, he's familiar with adjusting ventilators and managing patients' airways. But the magnitude of these matters also weigh on Hoot personally — as the father of a child with a rare genetic disease.

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