Schools have critical role to play in supporting adolescents fleeing armed conflict

Education is known to be highly important for migrant children, yet relatively little is known about the diversity of associated school-based programs and their likely value in supporting the mental health of children. A scoping review was conducted of 20 school-based programs aimed at improving the mental health of adolescent forced migrants in high-income countries. Findings showed school-based interventions have great potential for preventing adverse mental health outcomes among children affected by conflict and displacement.

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Boosting the popularity of social media posts

Computer scientists created a new algorithm to recommend tags for social media posts which should boost the popularity of the post in question. This algorithm takes into account more kinds of information than previous algorithms with a similar goal. The result is a measurably improved view count for posts which use the tags recommended by this new algorithm. Such research could be useful commercially and for other researchers who study online behavior.

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Survey completeness of a global citizen-science database of bird occurrence

There are many shortfalls in knowledge of the world's biodiversity, and one of the most basic is the lack of knowledge about where species occur geographically. This deficiency has broad ramifications for research and conservation. This study suggests the development of citizen science programs to collect data by volunteers has the potential to reduce this shortfall.

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Rethinking the role of technology in the classroom

Introducing tablets and laptops to the classroom has certain educational virtues, according to one researcher, but her research suggests that tech has its limitations as well. A new study shows a decrease in academic motivation for students who participated in a technology-based intervention.

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Image analysis to automatically quantify gender bias in movies

Many commercial films worldwide continue to express womanhood in a stereotypical manner, a recent study using image analysis showed. A research team developed a novel image analysis method for automatically quantifying the degree of gender bias in in films.

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